Essential Oils DIY
January's Guest Post is written by my sweet little sister, Bryce! Bryce and I aren't "blood" sisters, however we got told EVERYWHERE (not an exaggeration) that people can "tell" we are sisters because we "look so much alike!" It cracks us up every time, and we have long given up correcting people! Growing up Bryce wanted to be JUST LIKE ME. So she dressed like me (literally matching outfits, people! Ugh sister pains (; ) and wanted to do EVERYTHING I ever did! Needless to say I can't blame her! (; I was recently the Matron of Honor in little Bryce's wedding, and in 2014 she was in my wedding! Bryce and I have become closer and closer over the years, and I feel so grateful for that (: I never knew I wanted a sister until her! (Or not until we got old enough to start liking each other! haha!) Thank you for being a guest on my blog, Brycey! I love ya!

Hey y’all! I’m Alix’s little sister, Bryce! I spend my wonderful life with my husband, Zack, in our cute lil town of Pataskala, Ohio. We’re newlyweds & just got hitched in Sept. 2016! We have two pups, Shiloh & Willoh! Shiloh is a mountain cur mutt & Willoh is a pit bull! I’m a full time nanny & my husband works as an electrician. We enjoy eating out, tagging each other in memes, & spending time with our friends & family.
Today we’re gonna be talking oils! Essential oils that is! Ahh! Seriously one of my FAVORITE topics! First, let me tell y’all how I got started with essential oils & how it led to being such a huge part of my everyday life!
About a year and a half ago, I began experiencing chronic migraines. If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you know how horrible & debilitating it can be! Imagine that pain every day, without fail, like clockwork. There would be evenings that I would have to sit in the dark, no sound of any sort, while Zack would just massage my head & temples. I went to my family doctor in hopes of getting some relief. He prescribed me pain relievers & muscle relaxers. I was unable to take the pain relievers due to their interference with my Crohn’s Disease & I couldn’t take the muscle relaxers during the day if I wanted to be a functioning piece of society. I decided to opt out of taking the medications & just tried to truck through the pain.
A short time after, while at a family retreat, I expressed my pain to my aunt. She had been dabbling in essential oils & had become a Wellness Advocate for one of the companies. She applied some peppermint essential oil to my forehead & temples. Whoa. Nearly immediate relief. In that moment, I was hooked.
Since I’m obsessed, it’s time for me to help you become obsessed. Today I’m going to give y’all 3 different essential oil recipes that you can use in your everyday life! I, personally, use doTERRA oils, so my recipes are specific to the oils they carry!
Calming Pillow Spray
What you’ll need:
-2 oz. glass spray bottle
-distilled/purified water
-isopropyl alcohol
-doTERRA’s lavender oil
-doTERRA’s cedarwood oil
-doTERRA’s serenity oil
-pour 1 tsp. isopropyl alcohol into the glass bottle
-add 10 drops lavender oil
-add 10 drops cedarwood oil
-add 10 drops serenity oil
-fill to the top with distilled/purified water
-screw cap on tight & shake it like a polaroid picture
**spray over sheets & pillows before laying down for sleep!
** don’t forget to shake it well before every use!
SAFE All Purpose Cleaner
What you’ll need:
-2 oz. glass spray bottle
-distilled/purified water
-white vinegar
-doTERRA’s melaleuca oil
-doTERRA’s purify oil (optional)
-doTERRA’s lemon oil
-doTERRA’s orange oil
-pour 1 tbsp. white vinegar into the glass bottle
-add 10 drops melaleuca oil
-add 10 drops purify oil
-add 10 drops lemon oil
-add 10 drops orange oil
-fill to the top with distilled/purified water
-screw cap on tight & shake it like a polaroid picture
**use it all over your home for cleaning purposes!
**the melaleuca oil works as a disinfectant
**don’t forget to shake it well before every use!
Happy, Healthy Hair
What you’ll need:
-2 oz. glass spray bottle
-witch hazel
-doTERRA’s rosemary oil
-doTERRA’s lavender oil
-doTERRA’s cedarwood oil
-add 20 drops rosemary oil to the glass bottle
-add 20 drops lavender oil
-add 20 drops cedarwood oil
-fill to the top with witch hazel
-screw cap on tight & shake it like a polaroid picture
**spray all over scalp (not necessarily focusing on the hair itself, but your roots) after every wash
**apply before using any styling products
**don’t forget to shake it well before every use!
Some extra tips!!!
-add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to your mascara bottle for strong, healthy lashes
-add 3-5 drops of lemon oil to a forgotten load of laundry & run on the rinse cycle to give it a fresh, clean scent
-make sure you are using a 100% pure oil! If the bottle says not to ingest, then it probably isn’t safe to use in your home!
*I recommend doTERRA because they carry Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils & hold themselves to an extremely high standard!*
*I would advise staying away from essential oils you find in the stores & on places like Amazon/eBay. You never know what you’re actually going to get!
I hope you guys enjoyed these recipes & look forward to using them everyday! I hope to be able to give y’all more recipes on letters from a Good friend in the future! Please, send me &/or Alix pictures of you trying out these recipes & let us know how you like them! Don’t hesitate to send us your very own recipes too!! I know I’m always down to try something new!! I can’t wait to hear from everyone & I definitely can’t wait to stop by the blog again!
Peace & blessings, y’all!
P.S. If you would like to purchase oils, sign up with doTERRA, or have any questions, please email me any time!
Contact Bryce:
Instagram: @withasplashofjohns
Where Bryce purchases her glass bottles: