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Vacation Prep Guide: at-home teeth whitening & other tips

Vacation Prep Guide: at-home teeth whitening & other tips

Who else loves planning trips?? To me, the planning, research, and preparation is a huge part of the fun! What trips do you have planned for this year? Do you find it overwhelming trying to remember all the things that need done before a trip?! I’m here to help! I’ve developed a timeline of things to do to prepare for a trip (and even a packing list template!) and it’s FREE for you to use!                                                                                                                           

BUT the first step:



My smile has always been really important to me. I smile a lot, and ever since getting my braces off in high school, I prided myself in having a big, teethy, white smile. Before big events like travel, I used to use store bought white strips (about once a year since high school), but always hated how you had to be so careful to keep from moving your mouth at all and how easily you could accidentally waste one of those expensive little stripes. A bright, white smile make me more confident while traveling, especially since I take hundreds of photos on trips!


Smile Brilliant comes in to play here. Smile Brilliant makes custom trays made from molds of YOUR exact smile. No slipping, no waste, no mess! More bang for your buck, easy, and your custom trays are backed with a two year replacement plan! I was so excited to whiten my teeth for my upcoming trips I have planned over the next few months!

Making the molds was a little funny (and slobber-y! Ha!) I was a little unsure if my molds were good enough (luckily your kit comes with one extra mold mix just in case!) but I was able to email Smile Brilliant photos of my molds and they confirmed that they would work. (Bless the Smile Brilliant team for looking at molds of stranger’s teeth all day! haha!) Then off they went in the provided prepaid envelope, to be made right here in the USA!



I received my custom trays quickly and began the whitening! At first I did have a little gum sensitivity/irritation from the whitening gel. I was able to communicate with the Smile Brilliant team about it and decided to take a few days off. The Smile Brilliant team recommends using coconut oil or vaseline on your gums to help with sensitivity during your whitening. It quickly became part of my routine to wear my trays first thing in the morning, after my coffee and during my “computer work” time. This allowed me to whiten for over an hour (usually) each day, with plenty of time to spare between then and lunch. 



I love that my Smile Brilliant kit came with very specific instructions, even photos to help with making the molds and the application of the gels. The team at Smile Brilliant have been very easy to communicate with and very knowledgeable, and quick about responding/sending out the product etc despite this all happening around the holidays. 

Will I use Smile Brilliant again? HECK YES! You better believe that my custom trays will be kept safe and sound until I need to order more whitening gel! I’m completely smitten with my custom whitening trays, and am so glad I never have to use flimsy strips ever again. My smile is whiter and brighter, which makes me that much more smile-y! Be sure to check out their website which is full of resources, FAQs, very detailed customer reviews, and an abundance of info on their products. 


Do you have an upcoming trip!? Maybe a big event, or you are just looking for an easy way to get professional and affordable teeth whitening right at home, on your own time?!


            Try Smile Brilliant for yourself!

Use the coupon code “ lettersfromagoodfriend15 “ for a discount at check out! 


And you KNOW I love a good GIVEAWAY!!!! I’m so pumped to tell you that you can enter below to win your VERY OWN Smile Brilliant teeth whitening kit!!!! Click the link below to enter! 


While you wait to see if you’ll win the giveaway, let me help you plan for your next trip!! Besides whitening your teeth with Smile Brilliant, there are other steps you can take to prepare for that awesome vacation you’re looking forward to! I’m all about planning, so I’ve created a prep timeline and a packing list to make things easy for you!! There’s even room on the packing list for you to add items specific to you! Don’t forget to order your teeth whitening kit from Smile Brilliant ahead of time! (:

Trip-Prep Timeline.png
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a Weekend in Waco, TX

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