Friday Favorites, December: 2017 Moments
2017 is coming to a close, and honestly I'm a little relieved. It feels like this year has been... weird? Several times this year I've caught myself wondering why things don't seem to be easy for us very often? We've learned A LOT this year, particularly about RV's and living small. We've moved more this year than I think we have any other year since we started traveling, and I've been pulled out of my comfort zone on many many MANY occasions. It's definitely been a year of change for us.
But it's been such a great year in so many ways too! Even though it seems like we haven't "adventured" as much this year as we have been, we started a HUGE adventure with our RV, which was one of the scariest, most exciting and stressful things we've ever taken on since being married. We spent a lot of time with family this year, and even celebrated some pretty big milestones for several different family members. Plus, we met some really awesome people this year too! And I have to say (even at the risk of sounding cheesy) that I feel older and DIFFERENT this year. I've noticed that I've started to see things a little different, have taken more time to contemplate, and even tried to be a little nicer just because. I don't know, maybe it's all in my head. But this year has just felt WEIRD! Through the hard stuff, I've found that this year it's been a little easier to remind myself of all of the things we have to be GRATEFUL for. All of the small, everyday things like food in our fridge, people we can count on, and love. And I feel like that's a good thing?
I hope that as the year comes to an end, you feel that way, too. I hope that the amazing, beautiful things that have happened this past year are easily recalled, and fill your heart to the brim. I hope that you feel hope and excitement for the new year. And I hope that this is finally the year that someone discovers a way to make chips not have any calories.
- My mom came to visit us in Midland, TX
-the tradition of heart shaped Valentine's Day pizza was born
-Joel's parents visited West TX
-letters from a Good friend got a LOGO and other awesome branding elements!!! (thanks to the amazing Lee Ann at Green House Creative!)
-vacation to FL, NOLA, and then back to OH for a minute
-we visited Walt Disney World (Joel's first time!)
-visited family in FL
-we bought our first home, ON WHEELS!!!!
-we learned lots of lessons (the hard way) about RVs
-weekend trip to VA for the Good family reunion, and a hike up Seneca Rocks
-quick trip to FL to bring one of my favorite little dudes to OH
-Braeden visited OH
-George got a makeover
My Papa's contribution to our renovations, this beautiful custom shelf!!